Where can I learn about divorce in Spain as a US citizen married to a Spaniard with a child, planning to return to the US?

Question about Divorce in Spain

Can anyone point me in the right direction to find out more information on divorce in Spain between Spaniards and Americans with a child involved.. Considering that I would potentially want to return to the US with our child. I just want information on the process and my rights. We are married in Catalonia.


These are the answers of some Facebook group members:

”You need to see a family law and divorce specialist. You will need custody of the child and also permission of the father. To remove them from the country. It is very complex and even more so if contested. To do so without either court or father’s permission is tantamount to kidnapping”


In conclusion, according to Spainguru Facebook group members, for divorces involving Spaniards and Americans with children, consult a family law specialist for guidance on custody and international considerations.

Ensuring proper documentation and permissions is essential to avoid legal complications. Seek professional advice to understand your rights and responsibilities in this unique situation.