We have been approved for our golden visa Spain! Now we need to ship our shipping container from the US to Spain. Has anyone done this process?
Do we need to wait until after our TIE appointment first before we can begin this shipping process? If anyone has done this process, please tell the order in which you did!
These are the answers of Spainguru’s Facebook group members:
“We shipped just before we left the US. It took 4 months to receive our shipment. Others in the same container waited much longer.”
“You do the TIE when you arrive.”
“We shipped with our NIE and padrón, no TIE yet.”
Community members shared their experiences and congratulations on the approval of the Golden Visa. The consensus suggests that shipping containers can be sent before moving, as one member did just before leaving the US, noting it took four months to receive their shipment.
The process does not necessarily require the TIE to be completed first, as indicated by another member who shipped with their NIE and padrón without the TIE.
The key takeaway is to plan for potential delays in receiving shipments and to coordinate the shipping around immigration and residency documentation processes.