Spanish Digital Nomad Visa: Can You Travel While Your Application is Pending?


I’m just about to submit my Spanish Digital Nomad Visa application from within Spain. Once this is submitted, am I required to stay within Spain while the visa decision is being made, or am I allowed to leave the country and await the result?


These are the answers of Spainguru’s Facebook group members:

“If your tourist visa has not yet expired, you can travel without any problem. If your tourist visa has expired you should wait for your TIE.”

“Put it this way: if they ask for more information can you submit it to them within the 10 days?”


From the insights shared by members of the Spainguru’s Facebook group, it seems that the ability to travel after submitting a Spanish Digital Nomad Visa (DNV) application depends on the status of your current tourist visa.

If your tourist visa is still valid, you may travel freely. However, if it has expired, it’s advisable to remain in Spain and wait for your Temporary Residence Permit (TIE).

An important consideration highlighted is the possibility of being requested to provide additional information on your application within a short timeframe, which could necessitate your presence in Spain or a reliable proxy, such as immigration experts, to handle any required submissions.