The information in this post was collected from the Oficina de Extranjeria in Madrid in January 2016.
Oficina de Extranjeria – or
For Links to all of the other Spanish Extranjeria Offices across Spain, click here:
Madrid Extranjeria Offices Information:
- Main Office for General Information in Madrid:
- Calle Manuel Luna, 29 (Metro: Estrecho – L1)
- Hours Open – Monday to Thursday 9am-5pm and Fridays 9am-2pm (*Except for the week of San Isidro, Christmas week and National Bank Holidays)
- Branch Offices:
- Calle Fuego, 26 – Alcobendas (Metro: Marques de Valdavia – L10)
- Calle San Nicasio, 31 – Leganes (Metro: Sur Leganes Central – L12)
- Offices for Specific Information:
- Calle Garcia de Paredes, 65 (Metro: Gregorio Marañon – L7 & L10)
- Humanitarian Reasons, Expulsions & Fines, Gender Violence
- Avenida Plaza de Toros, 14 (Metro: Vista Alegre – L5)
- Calle Silva, 19 (Metro: Callao – L5 & L3)
- Calle Garcia de Paredes, 65 (Metro: Gregorio Marañon – L7 & L10)
- Important Emails for Questions and Concerns:
- General Info:
- Arraigo Info:
- Renewing Info:
- Familiar Comunitario Info:
- Student Info:
- Online Service:
- Status of Tramite/Paperwork Process:
- Call: 902 022 222 (24h) or call 060
- Send an SMS to 600 12 45 64 with:
- “NIE(space)8 digit NIE number with letters)”
- “EXPE(space)15 digit Expediente number“
- Information on Paperwork and Procedures:
- Official Forms (Modelos Oficiales de Solicitudes):
- Cita Previas de Extranjeria:
- Fees/Gestion y Pago de Tasas:
- Various Costs of Tasa Modelo 790, código 052 to be paid:
- Renovacion de residencia temporal: 15,76€
- Residencia de larga duración: 21,02€
- Prorroga de la autorización de estancia por estudios: 16,81€
- Various Costs of Tasa Modelo 790, código 062 to be paid:
- Tasa Trabajo (renovación cuenta ajena): 78,36€
- Online Administrative Services using your Firma Electronica:
- Renovaciones de autorizaciones de extranjería – Presentación Ordinaria: Descarga del Impreso:
- Renovaciones Telematica de autorizaciones de extranjería:
- Aportación telemática de documentos a expedientes de extranjera:
- Status of Tramite/Paperwork Process:
Presenting Your Documentation:
- Registro General de la Delegación del Gobierno
- Calle Garcia de Paredes, 65 (Metro: Gregorio Marañon – L7 & L10)
- Hours Open – Monday to Friday 9am-5:30pm and Saturdays 9am-2pm
- Online
- Any Registro Publico
Renovaciones de Residencia y Trabajo:
- You have 60 days before the Expiration Date on your card and up to 90 days after that date to renew your residency. By putting in your paperwork to renew will not put you in a state of “limbo” but will actually still let your residency be valid until the official resolution has been decided. This is why it is extremely important when you put in your paperwork for renewal to keep your “expediente”.
Resoluciones Favorables:
- When you get a Resuelto Favorable for your renewal of residency/ residency and work/ larga duracion/ or student visa, you do not need to get a second copy of your “resolucion”, you can directly apply for an appointment to get your fingerprints and new identity card.
- When you are getting a Modification to your “autorizacion” or permit/visa, then YES, IT IS MANDATORY to get a duplicate of your “resolucion”.
(*If you see anything wrong with this information or any links that do not work, please make sure to contact us as we know sometimes there are technical issues and we want to keep this post as up-to-date as possible. Thanks!*)