What are the digital nomad Spain taxes?


What are the digital nomad Spain taxes? Do you have to pay social contributions and VAT?


These are the answers of Spainguru’s Facebook group members:

”I am sure I answered this question. If you are employed you will pay a 24% flat rate and if you are self-employed you will pay the progressive rate, plus social security”

”The digital nomad tax is just 15% for 4 years..”

”I can see that looks like it should be a reliable source of information, but I believe the 15% is an incentive for startup companies. I had three paid consultations with ex-pat tax advisors and they all said the same thing. I have emailed William Russell to ask where they got it from. Since my accountant has signed me up for progressive tax, I will be delighted if it turns out to be true!”

”It also depends on where in Spain you live. If you lay out your situation and all your numbers to an accountant, they can tell you a precise number. There’s no way to answer your question without specifics from you, and you might not want to share all those details with all of Facebook.”

”OMG. NO ONE is going to qualify for Beckahms Law and you ALL are going to pay 40% tax. Here is who is excluded. Who is excluded under the law? Self-employed workers, Professional sports athletes, Directors of business entities.”

Spainguru Facebook group members provide conflicting information on tax rates in Spain. One suggests a 24% flat rate for employed individuals (Beckham law) and a progressive rate for self-employed individuals. Another mentions a 15% digital nomad tax, but its validity is questioned. Consulting an accountant is recommended for accurate calculations, as rates vary based on circumstances and location. Beckham’s Law is unlikely to apply to most individuals.