I currently hold a digital nomad visa Spain. I am changing employers and my lawyers have advised me I’ll have to go back to the UK, get 3 months of relationship/payslips with them and then re-apply. Is this correct?
These are the answers of some Facebook group members:
”If there’s nothing written in the law about the situation that matches what they say, I’d ignore their advice / wouldn’t have asked them anyway. You have the digital nomad visa Spain already. Deal with the renewal when it comes”
”Apparently, you do need to inform UGE about the change”
”I don’t think that makes any sense. That’s a risk they take, and that’s why they evaluate all the eligibility criteria to let you in. If you get the visa, you’re authorized to work for 1 or 3 years (depending on where you apply from). I forming the UGE might be okay because you need to review your future taxation in Spain and so on, but that’s also expected. I’m not a lawyer nor a gestor, but from an applicant’s point of view, it makes no sense. I believe that most people, after careful due diligence about applying to DNV (as an employee or as autonomo) would move to a new country and maybe a new continent if they had to re-do everything in case there’s an unexpected layoff or even if you just want to change jobs, which is completely normal. I wouldn’t”
In Conclusion
In conclusion, according to Spainguru Facebook group members, opinions on the need to return to the UK for a digital nomad visa spain renewal due to a job change vary among Spainguru’s members. Some suggest ignoring the advice if it’s not legally required, while others mention the importance of notifying authorities about the change.
Many find the idea of returning to the UK for this purpose counterintuitive for digital nomads. It’s advisable to consult immigration experts or immigration authorities for accurate guidance on Digital Nomad Visa Spain renewals in your situation.