I have just sold my UK house what to I need to prove where the money come from to apply for my Spain non lucrative visa and does it need to be translated?
These are the answers of some Facebook group members:
”Solicitor’s letter with the calculation of proceeds, minus costs, and the amount they transfer to your account. Have that sworn translated and add the bank statement showing the same amount coming in”
”If you sell your UK property and get residency in the same tax year you may have to pay capital gains tax on your UK property in spain”
”We didn’t have to show proof where our money had come from at Manchester”
”I got my estate agents financial statement & letter translated along with a copy of my bank statement showing money being deposited”
”We had to show where it had come from, yes. I know some people say no but kind of typical Spain . So best to do it if you can”
”Yes, you have to prove in English and Spanish we’re the the house sale money has come from, we are waiting to get our visa,yesterday we received a email saying if we didn’t provide this information in ten days they will close the application which leaves us homeless and losing our money, that’s in London why the girl didn’t say anything at the BLS I don’t know, sorry if I’m going on but I’m upset and angry”
In conclusion, according to Spainguru Facebook group members, in the UK-Spain property transition, members suggest providing (sworn) translated solicitor’s letters and financial statements to prove the source of sale proceeds.
There’s a mix of experiences regarding proof requirements at different locations, with warnings about potential tax implications in Spain for selling property while gaining residency. Some faced stringent proof demands, risking visa application closure and financial loss if not met within a short timeframe.