Is working for my own LLC a valid proof of working freelance to apply for the Digital Nomad Spain Visa?

Question about the Digital Nomad Spain Visa

Is working for my own LLC a valid proof of working freelance to apply for the Digital Nomad Spain Visa (DNV)?


These are the answers of some Facebook group members:

”You must have a contract with a third party. That can be you as an employee of your LLC. or you as a contractor offering and invoicing services to your LLC. However, if you are the sole owner with no other employees, that is considered self-employed and not a third party. The best approach would be to have a contract with yout partner LLC and use that contract to both apply for the visa.

I strongly recommend hiring an immigration expert in Digital nomad Spain visa to help you navigate the process and apply. It will probably save you money and a whole lot of stress in the long term.”

”Normally, yes!”

”If you have 1099s in place for your clients and you are mentioned in the contracts as the one providing the services”

”That’s what we are going to do”

”If you paper it right. Yes”


In conclusion, according to Spainguru Facebook group members,

working for your own LLC can be valid proof of freelance work for the Spanish Digital Nomad Visa (DNV), especially if you have contracts and 1099s demonstrating your role as an employee or contractor. However, if you are the sole owner and the only employee, this might be classified as self-employment rather than third-party work.

It’s recommended to seek advice from an immigration expert to ensure proper documentation and compliance with the DNV requirements.