My husband and I live in the American South. We want to leave the country. Any sources on how to move to Spain from the US? We have sufficient funds. But we need to leave the US. My husband loves Spain. I have yet to visit. But it looks lovely, especially Andalusia.
These are the answers of some Facebook group members:
“I see that you live in Georgia so you would apply at the Spanish Consulate in Miami. Google their website for a description of the various visa types and the application process for each. Miami is a good consulate to work with so you should be OK. Don’t be scared off by the process. It can be done pretty easily if you get organized. Join the Americans in Spain FB group but take advice only from those who have applied through Miami as the various consulates interpret the regulations differently. Good luck!”
“You need to look on the Spanish consulate nearest your current place of residence. Assuming you both have US passports then you’ll need to apply for visas – non lucrative visa requires proof of income and private healthcare insurance and you can’t work on this visa.
If you wish to work for yourself a self employment visa (autonomo) requires a detailed business plan and preferably proof of current clients, you’ll pay into Spanish social security so be able to access Spanish state healthcare but this visa is difficult to get.
Check Spainguru’s blog post about work permits here
You could look at a golden visa requiring property purchase of €500,000.
A company can help get your visa for employment but it’s challenging as they need to prove neither a Spaniard nor a European citizen can do the work, pay you more than these candidates and jump through lots of hurdles to prove you have specialized skills that they need.
You should come and find a location you like and preferably rent before buying to ensure you actually like living in that area. Get tax advice as well. Good luck!”
“First stop – Research your local Spanish consulate for immigration visa advice to gain entry to Spain, as being a third country national it is not an easy process to gain a visa, but there are exceptions if you wish to invest in Spain.”
“The only way is to find the “to do” list at your US Consulate of your state. Do everything on the list. Be precise. After you turn everything in that is on the list they will respond in 30 days or less. Which type Visa are you trying to get? That should be your first thought. Then do the list that corresponds with that Visa. By the way, I applied through the Consulate in Miami”
“Here’s Spainguru’s comprehensive blog post Moving to Spain: The Definitive Guide”