Does anyone know a good sim card provider in Spain with lots of Gb and affordable prices? I don’t have access to WIFI anymore en el campo
These are the answers of some Facebook group members:
“I use, 7€ for 20GB or 11€ for 40GB and unused data rolls over to the next month. They also give 30GB free a few times a year.”
“I use lobster mobile, the website and call centre is all in English. I can use it in UK and throughout Europe without any extra charges. I think I pay 12 euros for 18GB, half the price and masses more data than my previous provider! You can sign up to pay month by month if you want to try for 30 days first”
“I have Lebara , have to top it up every 28 days. I pay 15 euros for 80gb, 1000 mins international and 5000 national”
“Simyo is great”
“We went to Vodafone in Carrefour last month and they gave us a promo rate. 45€ for 3 SIM cards, unlimited calling and 100Gb of data for each card, not combined. It was a great deal, and more than we could even use.”
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