Does anyone know if you are allowed to do your Spanish padrón and TIE appointments in a different city than the one listed on your application? When I applied in June, I used a family friend’s address in Madrid (as I was unsure of where I would end up)
I was finally approved a week ago and since my submission have made the decision to reside in Estepona, which is where I’m at now. Can I do the process here, or do I have to travel back to Madrid. Any guidance or advise is much appreciated.
These are the answers of some Facebook group members:
“You need to do the Padron in the jurisdiction you live in.”
“Yes you are free to decide where you want to live. Not connected to your application at all.”
“You have to do the padron in the municipality in which you choose to live. The TIE then has to be within the province you choose to live.”
Check out this blog post: Certificado de Empadronamiento: What is it?