Non lucrative Spain visa Renewal/TIE question – What should we do if we don’t receive a response to our renewal submission after 90 days? My understanding is that it is automatically granted after 90 days, but do we need a document or letter to get new TIEs? Unfortunately we had to renew on paper because the digital keys didn’t work on our Mac.
These are the answers of Spainguru Facebook group members:
“You can check your status online with NIE or expedienté número or via sms.
If favorable go to Extranjería and ask for letter or e mail the relevant office and request a copy .”
“They have to issue admin silence (Silencio administrativo) via letter usually. In places like Madrid they are processing at 5.5 months. Others at 3-4. So basically waiting on a resolution is the only way in most cases.”
“I was wondering the same thing myself. Found this very good article. it looks like a long process. After 90 days you can write a letter asking for a positive admin silence resolution. They have 15 days to reply. After which you can write another letter which they have 30 days to reply. After that you can take them to court which could take up to a year to resolve.”
“we have friends who renewed their non lucrative Spain visa in Madrid end of June and still waiting no in September. They are going to bow process the request for admin silence resolution”
In conclusion, according to Spainguru acebook group members, the process of renewing a non lucrative Spain visa and obtaining a new TIE can be a lengthy and somewhat complex one, especially if you don’t receive a response within the initial 90 days. While it is generally understood that the visa is automatically granted after this period, members suggest checking your status online using your NIE or expediente número or contacting the relevant office for confirmation. If necessary, you may need to request a positive admin silence resolution through written correspondence, which can involve several stages and potentially extend the waiting period. The duration of the renewal process can vary depending on the location, with some offices processing applications more quickly than others. Ultimately, patience and persistence may be required to navigate this aspect of the non lucrative Spain visa renewal process.