Has anyone had trouble paying the Modelo 790 fee at ATMs? I’ve tried a couple different ones and it always says the transaction has been cancelled. My NIE appointment is Monday so I need to sort this out
These are the answers of some Facebook group members:
“I went into a bank/credit union and paid with cash but had to try several different banks before they would let me do it. At the time I had no bank account in Spain because I had no NIE! My husband was unable to pay it on my behalf with his card, no idea why.”
“We used BBVA per recommendations. All of their machines have scanners. We did two of them at different BBVA ATMs and had no issues. We paid with cash at the machines (they don’t make change).”
“We had the same troubles recently, my hubby ended up going into a bank the morning of our appointments and was able to get the modelo paid. Make sure to take all 3 copies of the modelo as the bank stamps each one.”
“You have to pay with a Spanish bank card. I struggled too until I realized what was going on. Once I used a Spanish one it went through no issues.”
“Use a Spanish bank card”
“Be aware that you can pay inside the Spanish bank only before 11:00 AM. Cashier closes at 11.”