First-hand experience: My approved Spanish Digital Nomad Visa application as a US LLC Contractor

A Spainguru community member kindly shared his Spanish Digital Nomad Visa application post in the Spanish Digital Nomad Visa Facebook group of Spainguru. Join the group today to discover more tips and tricks and stay informed about the Spanish digital nomad visa!

Just had our Spanish Digital Nomad Visa approved!

We received our approval today!! Family of 4. I applied as a contractor for my LLC company in the US.

I submitted the initial application on April 17 2023 and heard back on May 13 2023. They asked for 3 months of payments (invoices) and proof of financial means. For financial means, my lawyer suggested at least six months of savings for a family of 4. I provided a bank statement for my savings account AND bank certificate matching the statement balance to meet this requirement.

I had all documents sworn translated as recommended by my lawyer. I resubmitted on May 22 2023 and heard back two days later (today, 5/24/23). The form’s approval date is dated 5/22/23, so it looks like they reviewed and approved us on the same day! It just took two additional days to receive the formal notification.

Spanish Digital Nomad Visa application

Questions & Answers

What law firm did you use ?

We used Lexidy Law! They were very expensive compared to the lawyers I’ve noticed others recommending. They were very knowledgeable of every little detail in the process. I started with them back in January/February so there was a lot of confusion at that time, but now, requirements are more clear. If costs are not a factor for you, I would 100% recommend them. (Here’s another success story from Lexidy).

You’re a contractor and sole-shareholder of an LLC, right? Are your LLC’s clients businesses?
Have you applied with your own LLC data, and pledged to sign up as autónomo?
Did you write an authorization letter for yourself, or your clients did? Did you show your own good standing certificate or your clients?I’m also a sole-shareholder

I am my LLC’s sole owner, but I have employees. My company runs independently of me. My LLC’s clients are other companies, but as a contractor, my only client is my LLC. I am in a clinical profession, so I could have likely had the same set up with another company providing the same service as a contractor. I created a contractor agreement between myself and the LLC. My Operations Manager signed off on all documents as a representative to the LLC. My lawyer recommended that all my documents have at least two signatures as I should not be the client and the company, so I signed it as the client and my Operations Manager representing the company. I also included the Certificate of Fact for my LLC to demonstrate it’s been operating for over a year, and I had that apostilled and sworn translated.

Did this change your status in the US? Are you now paid by the company as a 1099?

I pay myself as 1099 now!

What are do your SS obligations look like as an Autonomo contractor?

I will keep you posted when I know more, I am currently working on the tax side of this.

For the kids did you need to provide new birth certificates that were issued within 90 days and apostiled? I’ve heard yes and no so I am confused.

Yes! The state will not apostilled if they are older than 90 days

What was the reason for asking for proof of financial means? As that’s not on the list of requirements so just wondering if that was because of something specific.

I was actually surprised by this! I haven’t seen anyone else have this requirement. I am assuming it is because I was applying as a family of 4? It looks like others are starting to have this request also, so it might be turning into a new requirement.

How many months worth of proof have you been asked for?

They were not clear in what number they were looking for to meet “financial means”. My lawyer suggested 6 months! (Monthly requirement multiplied by 6) I was blind-sided by this request, but thankfully I had some savings already in place.

Did you have a contractor Agreement with just your LLC or with other businesses too? Does your LLC have another Director who signed the cover letter?

Nope, my contractor agreement is between me and my LLC. My LLC works with private companies in the US, so I avoided involving them. I have employees at my company, and my LLC can run independently of me. Even though I am a sole owner, I have an Operations Manager that runs the day to day operations, and is pretty much the authoritative personnel at my LLC. She signed my documents approving my work as a contractor.

Did they ask for any proof of who that employee who signed your documents was?

They did not ask me for any additional information about my employee.

May I ask about the invoices they requested? Did they want proof of payments by outside clients to your LLC or proof of your LLC paying you? What did you use to meet this requirement?

The invoices are between my company and me. I created invoices charging my company for my services.

I wonder if tax returns would work showing last annual income? Or they wanted current payments.

I believe they will ask you for the last 3 months.

What did you do for the social security requirement? Say you would register as autónomo or something else?

I would register as autónomo

Does this mean you’ll be able to access public healthcare, or did you need to sign a statement saying you are not going to use it (since it seems some consulates may require that you’re not a burden on the healthcare system)?

I purchased private insurance for my family, but I believe I can access public healthcare as well once I apply for autónomo status.

Author: KT Villa

Spanish Digital Nomad Visa application