What factors determine you are a tax resident in Spain: time spent in a location, specific residence as of a certain date, or other criteria?
These are the answers of some Facebook group members:
”The address on file at Hacienda (Spanish IRS). You can change it using form 030. You may only select one main address. Check the rule here: Habitual residence in the territory of an Autonomous Community or City with Statute of Autonomy for personal income tax purposes”
”Most likely the key will be where you are registered on the padron
You should only be registered in one place and that is one of the questions asked when you try to register. However if you hold significant assets in another communidad you may have some explaining to do”
In conclusion, according to Spainguru Facebook group members, Spanish tax residency might be determined by factors like the address registered with tax authorities (Hacienda) and being registered in a single location on the padron. Having significant assets elsewhere might require additional explanation. It’s best to consult a tax professional for specific guidance.