The Justificante de RETA Requirement for the Spanish Digital Nomad Visa


Anybody having problems with justificante de RETA for Spanish Digital Nomad Visa applications from outside of Spain?


These are the answers of Spainguru’s Facebook group members:

“For those applying for the Spanish Digital Nomad Visa from abroad, here’s a concise guide to obtaining your justificante de RETA, an essential document for your application:

  1. Begin by filling out the TA.0521/1 form, which can be found at TA.0521/1 form
  2. Proceed to the Social Security Portal to submit your application. Click ‘enviar’, input your details, and for the type of request, select ‘other autonomo’. For the second selection, choose ‘other’, then upload your NIE document along with the completed TA.0521/1 form.
  3. After clicking next, you will receive your Justificante de RETA.
  4. With the Justificante de RETA in hand, head to the consualte along with your passport to finalize the process.

This procedure has been verified and recommended by individuals who have successfully navigated the application process with the support of legal professionals.”

What is a Justificante de RETA

The Justificante de RETA (Self-Employed Registration Certificate) is a document issued by The Spanish Social Security that contains the resolution regarding the registration of a person as a self-employed worker; that is, within the Self-Employed Regime.


The acquisition of the Justificante de RETA is a pivotal step for Digital Nomad Visa applicants from outside Spain. By adhering to the specified steps, including the completion and submission of the necessary form via the designated portal, applicants can effectively fulfill this requirement.

This information is not legal advice, and we recommend you to apply for your Spanish Digital nomad visa hiring experienced immigration experts.