“What are some products in Spain that are better than in the US?”
These are the answers of Spainguru’s Facebook group members:
“Everything. The USA allows toxins in foods and health care products that the EU doesn’t. That’s why you can’t find certain items in Europe.”
“I have no stomach problems when I’m in Spain, but as soon as I return to the US, my stomach issues come back. It’s the food for sure.”
“Spanish olive oil is the best in the world. And while you can find tapas in US cities, they never taste as good as they do in even the smallest towns in Spain.”
“The quality of food in Europe is significantly better. Vegetables last longer, the beef is lean and flavorful, and the eggs have rich orange yolks—something rare in the US.”
“Everything related to food is superior in Spain. Fruits, vegetables, olive oil, and wine all taste better. In the US, there’s too much emphasis on appearance rather than taste.”
“The produce here is so much better because Europe grows food for flavor, not for looks. In the US, fruits and vegetables are bred for long shelf life and aesthetics, but they’ve lost their taste.”
“European skin care and sunscreen products are far superior. They use better filters and ingredients, while US products haven’t improved in decades.”
“Spanish ham, olive oil, and wine are unbeatable. The food here doesn’t have the same chemicals or additives as the US.”
“Pharmaceuticals and over-the-counter medicines are much better here. I’ve found many medicines in Spain that heal faster than anything I’ve ever used in the US.”
For many expats living in Europe, particularly Spain, the consensus is clear: food quality, skincare, pharmaceuticals, and olive oil are often superior to what’s available in the US.
In Spain, fresher ingredients, fewer additives, and better regulations on chemicals lead to healthier and tastier products. The difference in quality between US and European products is something many notice soon after relocating.