Does anyone have any recommendations for car insurance companies in Spain for new drivers?


Car insurance companies in Spain for new drivers anyone? Here they’re telling me that because I have no “histórico” in Spain and I only just passed my Spanish driving license (even though I’ve had my Australian one for nearly 3 years) they want to charge me 1300 euros fo the year. Does anyone have any recommendations?


These are the answers of some Facebook group members:

“Try a simulation here”

“Hi, I was able to get a decent quote from Qualitas auto, they accepted my US and UK driving history. Give it a shot, you never know! (I did have to call them and insist a bit)”

“Used to have Zurich and Helvetia, both accepted my previous driving history”

“Mapfre accepted my US driving experience and I didn’t even need to get it apostilled”

“I did a lot of research last year on car insurance. Abbeygate came out top with Linea Directa close second.”

Useful links: