How many properties can I own in Spain without residency in Spain?

Question about property ownership without residency in Spain

Does anyone know how many properties you are allowed to have in Spain if you don’t have full residency in Spain yet?


These are the answers of some Facebook group members:

”It appears from some of the questions that get asked that people think Spain is similar to North Korea rather than a modern progressive Western European nation”

”64 properties, no more, no less”

”As much as you can afford to”

”I am not aware of any limit”

”If you’re a landlord that owns more than 5 properties in Spain, you have even fewer rights, as you’re considered a ‘gran tenedor’. Before the change of law earlier this year, it used to be ‘over 10 properties”

”There is no limit. Any that are not your primary residence will need to pay modelo 210 non residency/2nd home tax. (Or if rented, income taxes)”

In conclusion, according to Spainguru Facebook group members, the question of how many properties you are allowed to have in Spain without full residency does not seem to have a strict numerical limit. Some responses suggest that there is no specific limit, while others mention taxation considerations for landlords with multiple properties. It’s essential to consult with legal and tax professionals to understand the specific regulations and obligations that may apply in your situation when owning properties in Spain. Spain is a modern European nation with its own property laws and taxation rules, which can vary depending on various factors.