Can Filipinos with Spanish residency enter Germany with no other documentation apart from their passport and TIE (both of which are still valid)?
These are the answers of some Facebook group members:
”The question is for Filipinos specifically so that Filipinos who have been in this position could contribute. “third country nationals” doesn’t quite apply since a lot of third countries have different agreement/ processes in EU.”
”I can empathize with the OP’s concern about potential difficulties when entering Germany with a third-world passport. It can be a challenging situation to navigate, and it’s essential to be cautious. However, it’s worth remembering that everyone’s experiences and backgrounds are different.”
”No. There is no need for other documentation apart from your valid passport and TIE”
“This should help: 15 I have a valid long stay visa/residence permit for a country that is part of the Schengen area. Do I need another visa to travel to other Schengen states? No. A long stay visa or a residence permit issued by a Schengen State allows you to travel or stay in other Schengen States, while respecting the maximum duration of a “short stay” (a stay of “90 days in any 180 day period”).”
In conclusion, according to Spainguru Facebook group members, the consensus from the discussion is that Filipinos who are Spanish residents can enter Germany with just a valid passport and TIE, without needing additional documentation.
However, experiences might vary due to the complexities of international travel with different passports, and caution is advised.