This is slightly horrifying to post but maybe others will have similar questions.
I just got my FBI background check back and I pretty much forgot about a small misdemeanor I had when I lived in Colorado (2005). Well, I thought they had told me it would be removed from my record after paying fine/community service. I guess nothing ever really leaves your record… anyway, how likely will they reject my visa? I’ve already done the auxiliar program in Spain for 2 years 2019-21, and this wasn’t a problem before because I only needed a state background check before from my home state of Oregon, but now since I have this FBI one I’m worried I’ll be denied. Also, what can I do to prove I’m not a criminal?
These are the answers of some Facebook group members:
“I believe they are looking for felonies. I had a misdemeanor from decades ago, no problem.”
“Please update as you move forward. Curious as to what they say. I also agree that they are most likely not looking at old misdemeanors.”
“Should be fine unless it’s a violent crime”
“The Spanish law states that you cannot have been convicted of a crime for which an equivalent crime in Spain would carry a sentence of 1 year or more. This excludes most non-violent U.S. misdemeanors.”
“I paid a fine and never went to court to clear it with the judge so he put out a warrant and it stayed there for years and years and it didn’t affect me getting a visa or being accepted into the Auxiliar program a few years ago.”