Empadronamiento Online: Can I Register from Abroad Before Moving to Spain?


Until now I am a non-resident of Spain yet, I will apply very soon for visa no lucrativa and I am now renting an apartment remotely before moving to Spain. My question is, can I do the empadronamiento online remotely while abroad through my rental contract?

I don’t have the NIE or TIE yet. Someone told me that it can be done online but I want to make sure about this. Thank you.


These are the answers of Spainguru’s Facebook group members:

“It varies from town to town. You’ll need to speak to your own ajuntament.”

“No you can’t; you need to be living there.”

“I haven’t heard of being able to register for the padrón online. Maybe the person informing you meant that you could get a certificate of empadronamiento online? You would still need to register physically and get a digital certificate for that though.”

“By the way, when you come, you can register for the padrón with your passport and then change it once you get your TIE card.”

“I doubt it- we did it in person.”

“You can do the procedure online with a digital certificate in most cities. You need the padron done first before getting the TIE. The problem is you need to be in Spain to get the digital certificate.”

“You need to do it in person with your rent contract and passport.”

“Even if you’re able to do the padrón online, you’d need a digital certificate in order to do the process, which you have to be here in person to get.”

“No, you cannot do empadronamiento online.”


The possibility of registering for empadronamiento online varies by locality in Spain and is generally not feasible without being physically present in the country.

Most members suggest that physical presence in Spain is necessary to complete this registration, as it often requires a digital certificate or physical documents like a rental contract and passport.

While some services might be initiated online, the consensus is that finalizing the empadronamiento typically requires an in-person visit.