Can you avoid getting a new FBI Background Check after it has expired? Help!


Is there any way to avoid having to get another FBI Background check as mine has expired? Between getting fingerprints, sending them get the FBI Background check and then having it apostilled, 3 month passed. Unfortunately, the apostille took a couple of months, even after writing to my senator to have the processed sped up. Can I get a letter or something from my senator or the apostille justifying why it took so long?


These are the answers of some Facebook group members:

“If you are close hand it in. It will all depend on the government official who looks at your paper.”

“The Background check is typically accepted for 5-6 months now since it is widely known that the Apostille takes so long. We worked with the UGE-CE for our residence permits. They told us 6 months and we were definitely close to 6 months. Others have said the consulates told them 5 or 6 months.”

“I have read that US background checks are good for 6 months because the apostille process takes nearly 3 months.”

“It will be fine. The date on the apostille will show that it’s recent, and that’s enough to carry on. You will have much more documentation to question after this for administrative purposes while in Spain.”

“A few consulates went to 5 months so depends on where you are”

According to Spainguru community members, getting an FBI background check and apostille can be a lengthy and stressful process. While some consulates accept background checks for up to six months, the exact timeframe can vary depending on the consulate. Some members suggest that, If your background check has expired, it is might be a good idea to turn it in anyway and hope for the best, as it ultimately depends on the government official who reviews your paperwork. The apostille process can also take a few months, so it’s important to plan accordingly and submit your paperwork as early as possible to avoid any issues with expiring documents.

If you are a UK resident, learn about the ACRO Police check.