Does health insurance for a digital nomad Spain visa need a full year’s payment upfront?


Does health insurance for a digital nomad Spain require a full year’s payment upfront? The DKV agent says I need to pay until December to get the certificate. Is that accurate?

What if I am planning to apply as a freelancer? Then can I just commit to social security and skip the private health insurance? Can I skip it for my spouse as well?


These are the answers of some Facebook group members:

“Yes, as an employee you must pay a full year in advance’. However as a freelancer you can skip private health insurance and for your spouse as well.”


In conclusion, according to Spainguru Facebook group members, it was suggested that full-year payment might be necessary for health insurance to obtain the certificate for a Spanish digital nomad visa. There’s also a query about whether freelancers can opt for social security commitments instead of private insurance, potentially skipping it for themselves and their spouse which got a positive answer.