Does Spain have strict gun laws? Has anyone import their firearms there?


I am a lawful gun owner in my state of Kentucky in the USA. We can carry concealed guns. Does Spain have strict gun laws? Has anyone import their firearms there? Are there stand your ground laws there that protect a gun owner if there is a home invasion, robbery, assault etc? How strict are Spain gun laws?

Answers about Spain gun laws

These are the answers of some Facebook group members:

“Spain has pretty strict gun laws. You need a license/pass a class in Spain to carry a bow and arrow, and you can only take it places when going to and from training or to and from competition. The weapons license makes that one look like a cakewalk. (Did the archery one.). Autorizaciones que amparan las armas gives an overview but you’ll 100% need a license and you’d need a reason to justify having one beyond defense of a person or good. I believe you also have to pass a theory and practical test in Spanish to get a license.”

“I would expect there are different gun laws depending on area. Here is a link to a lawyer who has information on Spain gun laws… Ownership of Firearms in Spain

“Spain has amongst the most restrictive gun ownership laws in the world. The answer is you cannot own or use firearms for self defence, further more the only firearms available to the public are hunting guns such as shotguns. The only people who can be licensed for hand guns are government agencies and security employees.”

“Only about 1% of the Spanish population have guns. Gun ownership, for the sake of it, is very tightly controlled and gun owners are very poorly thought of here. Link to article about firearms in Spain

“Firstly, Spain is one of the safest countries in Europe so there’s no need to ‘defend’ yourself in the same way as you would in the USA. There’s just not the same gun culture – almost no-one has any interest in owning one unless they have a specific reason such as a farmer (I’ve found the same when I lived in the UK, France, Germany and Italy)
Finally, even if you want to, it’s not easy. You have no automatic right to a gun which is then controlled, it’s a privilige that can be withdrawn.”

In conclusion, it is clear from the responses of Spainguru’s Facebook group members that Spain has strict gun laws and it is difficult for individuals to own firearms for self-defense. The laws vary by area, and obtaining a license requires passing a class, theory and practical test in Spanish and having a valid reason for owning the weapon. The majority of the population does not own firearms and the culture is not supportive of it. Additionally, Spain is considered to be one of the safest countries in Europe, which may make owning a gun less necessary. It is important for anyone considering relocating to Spain with firearms to research and understand the laws and speak with a lawyer for specific advice on the matter.