Is a social security declaration a valid alternative to private health insurance for Spain entrepreneur residency applications?


Are social security declarations an acceptable alternative to private health insurance for Spain entrepreneur residency applications, contrary to the common requirement for private health insurance?


These are the answers of some Facebook group members:

”This is correct if you are starting your business immediately in Spain so you are registering for Social Security and paying into the Spanish system as soon as you arrive and get your documents in order. You and your family will be covered by the public system as soon as you start paying into the system

Honestly, this can take longer that you would want to be without coverage so you might want to buy a private policy anyway”

”The only thing remotely close I heard to this is UK citizens being able to use their S1 as proof of coverage when applying for Spain non lucrative visa”

”It’s my understanding that you will need the private health insurance before they issue the visa! The spanish health cover will not kick in until you have started paying into the system”


In conclusion, according to Spainguru Facebook group members, relying solely on social security declarations for entrepreneur/startup residency applications in Spain might not be straightforward.

While some mention the possibility of accessing the public health system after contributions, others highlight potential delays and recommend considering private health insurance. The information suggests varying requirements, emphasizing the need for careful assessment of individual circumstances during the residency application process in Spain.