Spain Digital Nomad Visa: How to Add Dependents to an Existing Visa?


I have a Spain Digital Nomad Visa. And I want to add my wife and daughter to my digital nomad visa. I know there is an option to arrive in Spain by Schengen visa and apply dependents from Spain.

But their application for Schengen was turned down. So now I’m looking for another way how I can add them to my visa. Is it possible to add dependents to acting digital nomad visa in Spain embassy of your country?


These are the answers of Spainguru’s Facebook group members:

“Yes, they should be able to apply at the embassy.”

“If their Schengen visa was turned down, it would be best to apply for their residence under your Spain Digital Nomad Visa as your dependents. Once it is granted, they should go to the consulate to request the corresponding visa to enter Spain.”


Adding dependents to a Spain digital nomad visa can be challenging if the initial Schengen visa application is unsuccessful. However, it is feasible to apply directly at the Spanish embassy in one’s home country.

Applicants may need to apply for residence under the primary visa holder’s digital nomad status, and upon approval, dependents must then obtain the corresponding visa to enter Spain.